weight loss systems should you know

n addition to comply with the schedule of eating, weight loss diet systems should be started from a strong motivation to lose weight. It is very important because it will determine the viability results of weight loss.

This motivation may be a desire to obtain a more attractive appearance, to achieve reduction in cholesterol / triglyceride levels to be more healthy, or to prove themselves to achieve weight loss, and others.

The program is claimed to be easy to do because its products easily available in the market are already available in a single package of products and systems schedule weight loss diet for 1 week. Appropriate use will be able to achieve weight loss of 1 to 1.5 kg per week.

Diet weight loss systems

What are the basic principles of weight loss diet systems

According to weight loss systems is the main cause of obesity (especially in Western societies, ed.) Is too much consumption of food sources of refined carbohydrates like sugar, flour and syrup (high fructose). Where this material is more easily deposited as body fat and less than optimal energy used as raw material.

Therefore, weight loss systems are trying to design a diet low in carbohydrates (especially refined carbohydrates) but high in protein. At first, try the Atkins test on himself and succeeded.

The principle of systems theory weight loss diet is the consumption of low-carb foods that will trigger the process of ketosis. That is the condition when blood sugar is less than 3.58 mmol / L causes no insulin response to glucose that triggers, to automatically do the dismantling of fat the body will be transferred into the blood for use as energy (blood sugar substitute).

Carbohydrates are still consumed in the diet weight loss systems, but only a little complex and simple carbohydrates (which can have a direct impact on blood sugar, ed.). That was the portion that is not much.

Beyond that, the weight loss systems encourage the consumption of protein and more fat.

The goal, to prevent the onset of the hunger that is too fast for fat and protein take longer to digest.

4 Stages of weight loss systems

weight loss alone systems performed with the four phases of the fasting diet, weight loss, pre-reduction and maintenance.

A. Fasting

In the early stages of a two-week carbohydrate intake limited to not more than 20 grams per day (carbs minus fiber, sugar alcohols or glycerin).

Then also consume 12 to 15 grams of salad vegetables and fruits (broccoli, spinach, squash, cauliflower, turnips, tomatoes and asparagus), meat / poultry, as well as 4 ounces (113 grams) cheese (cheddar and soft cheeses). Also at least 100 grams of fat per day.

During this phase while maintaining the recommended intake of 8 glasses of water per day to maintain the stability of the rate of metabolism. And, it is not advisable to consume coffee as it can make the effects of addiction as well as low blood sugar levels.

This phase is all to do to prepare your body into ketosis as the culmination phase of the diet.

B. Weight Loss

The next stage is done by reducing consumption of carbohydrates per day, about 5 grams per week.

So the earlier consumption of carbohydrates 20 grams to 15 grams per day for the next week. The goal is to enhance the removal of carbohydrates critical point, until it reaches the next target weight about 4.5 kg of ideal body weight targets.

In the first week, you also need to add more vegetables in the daily menu. Then in the next week should be added to fresh milk and so on. More details are below 9 foods that can be added in the menu a week for 9 stages (each stage of a food ingredient.)

C. Pre Decrease

After reaching the ideal weight, carbohydrate intake should be increased 10 grams (per day) each week. The goal is to restore the ideal condition maintenance after weight-loss results

D. Maintenance

Next you need to do is avoid the mindset that you have got the end result of a weight-loss program. If it turns out kemabli weight increase is not controlled, then you should go back to the early phase of weight loss la weight loss systems

happy weight loss systems

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